Monday, September 3, 2012

Let Me 'Splain

No, there is too much. Let me sum up. In the past two months I have accomplished a few things:

1. Attended and photographed my family reunion (that included celebrating 3 birthdays) in Utah

2. Visited with some of my favorite people in Utah, who I wish were me neighbors

3. Enjoyed visiting with my sister and her kids every day for 2 weeks before they moved to Brazil

4. Celebrated the Boy's 4th birthday

5. Attended Zumba class at least once, and up to 5 times, a week plus instructed an unofficial class 3 times

6. Killed my first sewer roach, unaided, without screaming

7. Signed the Boy up for preschool

8. Painted the fireplace with Husband

9. Celebrated my brother's 35th birthday

10. And... I GRADUATED!!!

That last accomplishment has been a long time coming, and my feeling can be best explained by the pictures found in a post written right after my trip to New York City 2 years ago. Replace 'trip' with 'major' and 'traveling' with 'graduating' to get the gist.

I hope to get back to a more regular blogging schedule soon, just have to bearings on this new life sans school. I did spend 21 years dedicated to it.

p.s. Hope you enjoyed the hyperlinks galore!

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