Monday, January 23, 2012

Ogres are like onions

It is time for another spout of masquerading as a fashion blogger with another fashion challenge from Kayla. This time it is only just 10 days of prompts, the first being layers.

Maybe it was because I woke up with Madonna's Borderline in my head or that my hair was rivaling Sebastian Bach or that I miss my sister, but I needed to channel the 80s in my layering today.

Taking pictures was slightly easier than the last 2 challenges now that I have a tripod, but unfortunately I'm still just as awkward. I was bound and determined to avoid any hand on hip action, so I tried different poses. My favorite two from today I have lovely named "Teenage Angst" and "The Cabbage Patch." You're welcome.

jacket: gift, top shirt: thrifted, pink shirt: target, jeggings: old navy, purple nylons: gift, shoes: vans

Other than the obvious layering (including my modern day Members Only jacket incarnate), I took this opportunity to finally wear some amazing purple open weave ankle nylon socks that my sister gifted to me. I layered them over some opaque ankle nylons. Radical.

If this first masterpiece is anything indication of what is to come, the remaining 9 prompts are going to be awesome.


Unknown said...

1) I love you for this post.

2) I'm glad I'm not the only one who wakes up singing Madonna on occasion.

3) Can't wait to hang out soon!

Kayla Moncur said...

I wish you could have seen my face while reading this. Total stupid open mouth grinning. You are hilarious. LOVE the poses.

Freckles in April