Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meaghan Smith

I stumbled across this video and loved how it was reminiscent of 500 days of summer. Plus this girl's voice is spectacular.

And what do you know, I searched Meaghan Smith and this exact song is on the movie's soundtrack. Well done music video director. You hit it on the nail. I just have to say that that movie is haunting me with it's perfection. Guess I need to watch it again. Oh darn.

P.S. Don't you love how this post became less about the artist and more about the movie? She really has a lovely style. A modern vintage sound, if you will.

P.P.S I hope you have actually watch the movie by now, Heather. Pretty sure you would love it.


Unknown said...

We play this song at work and I love it. Mostly because I love the Pixies and this song in general, but also because it's a pretty fabulous cover, as covers go.

Amy said...

I still have not seen the movie and am not sure how I'll be able to....i don't see it at the redboxes or anything...any ideas???

Lauren Kristine said...

I was just listening to that soundtrack in my car today! This might be my new favorite cover... and Regina Spektor's cover of Radiohead's 'No surprises.'

Lydia said...

Jen: This cover rocks, for sure, as far as covers go.

Amy: You should check out on-demand movies via The movies play on your computer for a 24 hour period. They lots of movies available.

Lauren: I love you!