Friday, October 9, 2009

nothing i like more friday - weekend getaways

this weekend i'm attending a photography retreat with some friends at a cabin in the woods. it is going to be awesome. if you haven't noticed already, i tend to hyperfocus on photography. having a reason to ramble on about all things cameras and pictures for a few days might bring my hyperfocus down a notch. or it could increase my obsession. i just cannot get enough information about it. i am so blessed to know people that are willing to share their knowledge with me and not get that glazed over look in their eyes when i ramble on about the camera lenses on my wishlist.

one thing i'm worried about is how husband and baby with be without me. it will be the first time i've ever been away from baby overnight. he may not even notice my absence until i get home, but i still worry that he with wake up multiple times in the night with a bad dream and i won't be around to make it better. and of course husband will miss me and i will miss him. it will be good for me though. more interaction with people outside of my family will be good. now go do something fun and exciting this weekend. i'm hoping to see an elk eating from a hummingbird feeder.


Dani said...

so jealous! Enjoy and I'll pump your brain next time I'm in town!

Amy said...

For sure use one of your fancy lenses to capture a picture of the elk eating from the hummingbird feeder. I'll be waiting to see it :)