Sunday, May 1, 2011

Multi-month recap

February - The Boy and I went out on lots of field trips, and have weekly since. It helps that Husband's dad likes to go on field trips as well.

March/April - Both months ended up having the same goal. I have been prioritizing things better as far as I am in control. Last week was hard because I was waiting on a textbook necessary to start another class. Turns out the main post office wanted to hold it for 8 days for kicks and giggles. Blogging ends up being very low on my priority list, hence my absence most days.

Goal for May - Stay on schedule for school. I am a week behind and need to get caught up pronto. If all goes as scheduled, I'll be taking my last final July 5th. Figure it is the least I could do for my sister's birthday.

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

Field trips = good.

Getting caught up = good.

Falling behind on blogging = not so good.