Saturday, February 5, 2011

January Re-cap

My goal for January seemed easy, but of course nothing school related ever is easy for me since college came around. Originally I wanted to enroll in SFL 160. Due to independent study's website reboot at the beginning of the year, my class was no longer listed. After a mini break down, I contacted independent study to see if it was a mistake. Mr. IndyStudy told me that the class was dropped, probably because enrollment was low, and usually if the class was dropped it would not come back. Then I had a major breakdown. I should mention that another class I was planning to take was no longer listed as well - one that I HAD to take to graduate. I sat on that info for a day, then sent an email to the adviser for my major. She quickly responded saying that there had been a huge mistake and that both classes were missed in the reboot. She also said they would be re-listed soon. I waited a day or two and neither class appeared. So as not to fall further behind, I signed up for another class, BUS M 200. My plan was to have the class finished last Monday. It didn't quite happen. I'll have it done next week. But I'm not too discouraged. I've pushed through the mess and kept going. Go me.

February's goal: Go on educational field trips with the Boy once a week.

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

I hate it when things don't go right with college classes. I hope it works out soon...