Monday, October 25, 2010

And That's the Way It Is, Bub

For the second photo assignment, the class was asked to take portraits and landscapes. I enjoyed taking the portraits, but the landscapes served to be quite the un-enchanting focus. Here are my final selects.

Special shout out to my aunt for allowing me to follow her around for quite a few hours while perusing various Goodwills. I really enjoyed the experience.


Flying Princess said...

Your bridge picture is awesome! I love how incredibly symmetrical it is. At first glance, it appeared that Baby was photoshopped in (the concrete patch helped with that one) but it is just a great photo.

It was nice to see Aunt also.

Alexa Raye said...

Love the pics, especially the one on the bridge!

Amie said...

I love that first one! He is so adorable!